Pack 103 has two approved uniforms for each scout; class "A" and class "B".
Uniforms may not be worn for political events.
Class A Uniforms
Class A uniforms are used during pack and den meetings or whenever a scout is representing Pack 103 at civic or Council events. A scout should always present a neat appearance. His/her shirt should be tucked in and his/her cap should be on straight. Pack 103 provides all new scouts with a Pack 103 cap.
Class B Uniforms
The Class B uniform is a yellow Pack 103 t-shirt. Class B uniforms are worn during pack hikes, pack campouts and other occasions where scouts will likely get dirty. Pack 103 provides all new scouts with a Class B t-shirt.
Purchasing a ​Uniform
Local Scout Shop:
Colonial Virginia Scout Shop
11834 Canon Blvd, Suite L, Newport News, VA​
Monday - Friday: 10 am - 6 pm
Saturday: 10 am - 2 pm
The cost of uniforms is the same whether purchased online or from the scout store. There is a shipping cost for online orders.
Pack 103 will provide all new scouts with a Pack 103 cap, a Class B t-shirt, and a reusable cup.
The cup will be provided at your child's first campout.
All other items may be requested through your child's Den Leader.
Replacements can be purchased by request through your child's Den Leader.
​Uniform Requirements
​Lion - Kindergarten
The Lion Cub Scout uniform has the following parts:
Shirt—The official Lion t-shirt.
Belt—Official navy-blue web belt with metal buckle.
Cap—Pack 103 cap. (Provided by the Pack.)
​Pants—Blue jeans or blue shorts.
Tiger - 1st Grade
The Tiger Cub Scout uniform has the following parts:
Shirt—The official blue uniform shirt. The shirt will last through Third Grade so size accordingly.
Scout Emblem Patch (above the left pocket)
Colonial Council Patch (upper left sleeve)
Pack numbers with a red background (103, left sleeve below the council patch)
American Flag Patch (right sleeve, pre-sewn on all official BSA shirts)
Den Number Strip (ask your Den Leader what number you need to purchase)
Pants—Blue jeans or blue shorts.
Belt—Official navy-blue web belt with metal buckle.
Hat—Pack 103 cap. (Provided by the Pack.)
Neckerchief—Official BSA Orange triangular neckerchief with Tiger logo.
Neckerchief Slide—Official gold-tone metal slide with orange Tiger emblem.
Class B Uniform—Pack 103 t-shirt. (Provided by the Pack.)
​Wolf - 2nd Grade
The Wolf Cub Scout uniform has the following parts:
Shirt—The official blue uniform shirt. The shirt will last through Third Grade so size accordingly.
Scout Emblem Patch (above the left pocket)
Colonial Council Patch (upper left sleeve)
Pack numbers with a red background (103, left sleeve below the council patch)
American Flag Patch (right sleeve, pre-sewn on all official BSA shirts)
Den Number Strip (ask your Den Leader what number you need to purchase)
Pants—Blue jeans or blue shorts.
Belt—Official navy-blue web belt with metal buckle.
Hat—Pack 103 cap. (Provided by the Pack.)
Neckerchief—Official BSA red triangular neckerchief with Wolf logo.
Neckerchief Slide—Official gold-tone metal slide with Red Wolf emblem.
Class B Uniform—Pack 103 t-shirt. (Provided by the Pack.)
Webelos & Arrow of Light (AOL) - 4th & 5th Grade
The Webelos (4th grade)/Arrow of Light (5th grade) Cub Scout uniform has the following parts:
Shirt—The official tan uniform shirt. The shirt will last through Boy Scouts (high school) so size accordingly.
Scout Emblem Patch (above the left pocket)
Colonial Council Patch (upper left sleeve)
Pack numbers with a tan background (103, left sleeve below the council patch)
American Flag Patch (right sleeve, pre-sewn on all official BSA shirts)
Den Number Strip (ask your Den Leader what number you need to purchase)
AOL's only: navy shoulder loops​
Pants—Blue jeans or blue shorts.
Belt—Official green web belt with BSA metal buckle.
Hat—Pack 103 cap. (Provided by the Pack.)
Neckerchief—Official BSA plaid triangular neckerchief with Webelos logo.
Neckerchief Slide—Official gold-tone metal slide with Webelos emblem.
Class B Uniform—Pack 103 t-shirt. (Provided by the Pack.)
Bear - 3rd Grade
The Bear Cub Scout uniform has the following parts:
Shirt—The official blue uniform shirt. The shirt will last through Third Grade so size accordingly.
Scout Emblem Patch (above the left pocket)
Colonial Council Patch (upper left sleeve)
Pack numbers with a red background (103, left sleeve below the council patch)
American Flag Patch (right sleeve, pre-sewn on all official BSA shirts)
Den Number Strip (ask your Den Leader what number you need to purchase)
Pants—Blue jeans or blue shorts.
Belt—Official navy-blue web belt with metal buckle.
Hat—Pack 103 cap. (Provided by the Pack.)
Neckerchief—Official BSA light blue triangular neckerchief with Bear logo.
Neckerchief Slide—Official gold-tone metal slide with light blue Bear emblem.
Class B Uniform—Pack 103 t-shirt. (Provided by the Pack.)